Changes to presentation mRSS feeds

At the request of our development community, we have made several changes to the mRSS feed associated with Wiredrive presentations, including the addition of two new thumbnail sizes. We hope these changes will make integrating mRSS feeds an easier, more streamlined process and allow developers to build richer applications and websites with their Wiredrive media. Advanced notice of this update was provided to our Developer Mailing List.


  1. Addition of Tiny (80px) and Max (1600px) thumbnails
  2. GUID Format conforms to RFC 4151
  3. Item <link> is the URI for HTML page for the specific item
  4.  <docs> URI changed to mRSS spec
  5. <description> for projects presentations no longer has the email message body

Some integrators have been parsing the GUID field to extract the asset ID and caching based only on that ID. We strongly encourage you to cache based on the entire GUID string. To ensure our GUID string format is consistent and predictable we will be changing the string format to follow RFC 4151. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact us at

By Lindsey Jones

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