Wiredrive welcomes P.J. Nachman – CFO

After starting his career in mergers & acquisition for Deutsche Bank Securities and Lehman Brothers, P.J. transitioned to the world of private equity where, for over 10 years, he has specialized in the acquisition, financing and development of technology-driven software companies.  During that time, P.J. managed transactions representing over $100 million in value for firms like The Najafi Companies, The Gores Group, Marlin Equity Partners and Angelo, Gordon & Co.

P.J. holds an M.B.A. from The Anderson School of Management at U.C.L.A. and a B.A. in Economics from Wesleyan University and the London School of Economics.

He lives in Venice, CA, and enjoys cooking regional Italian fare in his free time (but has yet to share any with his co-workers … namely the guy writing this bio!).

By Lindsey Jones
