Full-screen mode

Full-screen mode, which fits video files to fill your computer screen, is available in Project and Library file detail pages, as well as in presentations. This feature is not available for Internet Explorer.


  • QuickTime 7.2.1 or later
  • Firefox 2 or later
  • Safari 3.1 or later (*Note: For video to resume playback when exiting full-screen mode, you must use the Close Fullscreen button rather than Safari’s close window jewel. )
  • Full-screen mode is not available for Internet Explorer.

Where can I use full-screen mode?

Library file detail page

Fullscreen library file detail

Projects file detail page

Fullscreen projects file detail

Library and Projects presentations

fullscreen in library presentations
fullscreen in projects presentations

Full-screen mode and video resolution

When you watch videos in full-screen mode, you are watching a blown-up version of the original file. Switching to full-screen mode does not convert video to a higher resolution. If you watch a video encoded at 640×480 on a 1920×1080 monitor, you will notice some pixelation.

If you know that your clients will want to use full-screen mode, you can avoid loss of quality by encoding your video files at higher resolutions. Increasing video resolution, however, makes you files bigger and slower. See our video encoding guide for more information about choosing your settings.

By Lindsey Jones